Empowering your path to wellness. | Serving the ENTIRE state of West Virginia
Walk and Talk Therapy
What is it?
Walk Talk Therapy is just like it sounds—the client and the Therapist and/or Life coach are outside walking during therapy instead of sitting inside an office. It is applying the same interventions as in-office sessions, but in an outdoor setting, while walking at a comfortable pace. Such interventions include: insight-gaining conversations, motivational interviewing for habit change, solution-focused questions for helping identify strengths, and techniques for setting and achieving your life and wellness goals.
Some people find Walk & Talk Therapy to be more relaxed or meditative than therapy in a traditional office setting. They feel more connected to their bodies and to nature, and therefore have a different experience during Walk & Talk than in an office session. While Walk & Talk Therapy may support a fitness routine or jump-start an active lifestyle, it is NOT a workout or exercise session. We are not your Personal Trainer, we function ONLY as your Therapist or Life Coach, yet in an outdoor nature environment. Walking is good for our physical and mental health. Research has consistently supported the positive impact that regular exercise has on mental well-being. Exercise may play a significant role in improving depression and anxiety symptoms, and reducing physical health risks. Physical movement and a little bit of sunshine go a long way in helping our bodies naturally release all the "feel good" chemicals that allow us to look at life through a different lens and feel better.
Who is "Walk and Talk" right for?
Walk & Talk Therapy is beneficial for healthy people who want to “get moving:, both literally and figuratively.
People who are easily distracted or who feel more comfortable communicating “side by side” rather than “face to face” may benefit from Walk & Talk Therapy meetings than traditional office session.
Walk & Talk Therapy & Coaching may be appropriate for clients seeking help with a range of issues, including:
depression & anxiety
life transitions
grief & trauma
relationship challenges
establishing and maintaining healthy lifestyle or permanent weight loss
emotional or binge eating.​
Special Considerations
You, the client, will set the pace for the Walk & Talk Therapy sessions. Whether you prefer a slower, more meditative pace, or a more active, faster paced, vigorous session, Walk & Talk Therapy seeks to “match your pace”.
When you request a Walk & Talk session, you will have an initial telehealth session, where we will discuss potential risks and benefits of Walk & Talk Therapy. We will also discuss your desired goals for therapy or coaching. Based on this visit, you and your therapist or Life Coach will make a decision whether to continue with Walk & Talk Therapy sessions.
Walk & Talk Therapy is not appropriate for ALL clients. There are some situations that would contraindicate Walk & Talk Therapy as an appropriate mode of therapy, and these will be screened for, and discussed thoroughly, during your initial office visit.
Privacy: A major concern the client needs to be aware of is that, with Walk & Talk Therapy, we will be in public spaces, where we risk encountering familiar people. Your confidentiality is of utmost concern. In the initial meeting, we will address how you would like to handle such boundaries situations. For example, how we will manage sensitive material if someone approaches or passes us on the trail. Our team at Appalachian Life will support you in making an informed decision.
Physical Considerations:
We seek to provide a safe psychological space for you, as well as a safe physical space. If you have been sick or running a fever, this is not appropriate until you are healthy. Certain physical conditions may not be appropriate for Walk & Talk Therapy, or will require physician clearance prior to engaging in Walk & Talk Therapy sessions. Such conditions will be discussed during the initial office visit, and include: allergy to bee stings or poison oak, history of muscular-skeletal problems, cardiac conditions, asthma, or other health concerns we should be aware of. Consultation with a physician is recommended prior to engaging in any new physical activity.